


  • To hold periodical meetings and conferences of the members of association and of medical profession in general.
  • Arrange time-to-time conferences, lectures, discussions and demonstrations on any aspect of Homoeopathy and allied medical subjects and sciences.
  • To publish literature – periodicals, books etc. for the aforesaid purpose.
  • To maintain a central library and start branch libraries of Homoeopathic and allied medical literature.
  • Encourage research in Homoeopathic and allied sciences.
  • Carry on publicity work among masses in the matter of health and cure of disease and also in co-operation with different public bodies having the same or similar objects, when necessary.
  • Organize medical camps for providing medical relief during epidemics and times of emergencies.
  • Establish, develop and maintain Homoeopathic Medical Board or Boards, Educational Institution, Hospitals and Dispensaries for promoting, developing, regulating, controlling and improving Homoeopathic Medical Education, Practice and Profession.
  • Establish, develop and maintain Homoeopathic Pharmacies.